Sunday, September 13, 2020

What future for education? Reflections about week 5

> In an ideal world, how do you think education should be organized?
- I think in an ideal world the system of education should be organized through a reflexive curriculum. The people should learn how to be reflect and think critically.

> What priorities do you think it should reflect? and who should be responsible for ensuring that it is of a good quality?
- I believe that through an educational model that is based on critical rationality for the education of teachers and students, it would be possible to promote an education that contributes to social improvement. It consists of the conception that it is fundamental that these subjects are aware of the contradictions of the educational and social contexts of which they are part, explore such contradictions and seek to resolve them.

> Is there anything from the padlet wall that has informed your position?


Friday, August 21, 2020

How has your experience of school shaped you as a learner, and as an adult?

In what ways do you think your own schooling could have been improved, and what priorities do you think are the most important for schools today?

During my experience in school i felt some difficulties in learn process but i was ashamed to talk about this with my teachers. I think a possible way to improve my own schooling it was improving my comunication with my teachers, feeling more confortability in class and more space to tell with my teachers, i mean, in talk about my difficulties as a learner. This is what i do today in my master degree.

In my opinion another priority for schools, in general, is work with questions about culture. Many countries has a large diversity of contexts and cultures. Teach kids about the importance of respecting other cultures and traditions is very important. And, to finish, i think the most important school mission should being to form human who are able to contribute to a better world.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Remembering about a good teacher

4 Ways to Be a Good Teacher - wikiHow

Reflect back on the teachers you considered in the first reflection task at the start of this week. Reconsider what it was about them that made you consider them to be so good. Would others that were taught by them have the same conclusions?

When a think about a good example of teacher I remember Daniel, my teacher of Biology. He was always happy and encouraging us to learn and reflect about the whole life, animals, nature. I really enjoyed to learning with him. I think he is a good example of teacher for many of my friends too.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

What is intelligence and does it matter?

Just to reflect: I choose this pic because for me it shows the importance of equity in education.
How can we measure levels of intelligence without to consider the many differences among children?

The interview with Professor Gordon Stobart and the texts of this week are helped me to reflect more clear about what is intelligence and how the schools and sistems of education in general are treatening this question. I think the tradicional view about teaching learning process in the schools keep regulating the teacher's work and children's learning. The intelligence has being measured through IQ tests or other types of tests and Children are being classicated among quicker or low learners. The Schools don't have time to care about the differences of learning among chindren.

About the different levels of intelligence or ranges of capacity professor Gordon Stobart advise:

"So I'd say we have. There may be ranges of capacity, but the key thing is the the way it interacts with the environment. So if you have a really deprived environment it's going to be very difficult to come out with high ability, because you've not had the stimulation, you've not had the structures and the like."

According his vision the enviroment affects learning process more than other points often discussed in the school routine.

Asnwering the questions of the second week:

1- During your own education, how has your "intelligence" been assessed?

Often, because in Brazil the tradicional view of learning is very strong in the schools and colleges.

2- How has this affected the educational opportunities you have been given?

I think this are affected my behavior and my vision about competition. I mean.. I have learned about need to be better than others, because the opportunities are very few in my country. So, if i want achieve an oportunity i have to be high prepared.

3- What judgments have people made about you that have been affected by an assessment of your "intelligence"?

In school i was very bad in mathemathic. Because of this many times i felt like an incapable.

4- Do you consider yourself to be a "learner"? why?

Yes. Because i'm always available to learn new things, languages, etc. I think to keep the curiosity is very important to learn. I'm trying to keep this.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A new course: What future for education?

Today i started a new course: What future for education?
This course is offered by the University of London, UCL Institute of Education.

The two interviews in the first week of this course are very interesting.
Miss Hargreaves discusses how the educational culture can impact in the  learning process. She emphasized:

"So, each culture will believe that the purpose for learning is different, and that will dramatically affect how parents and teachers guide learning indeed, how they even conceive of learning."

Her also explaining about progressive and traditional approaches to learning, and makes the differences between the both very clear.

The second interview shows more about what we mean about learning and how we learn. Doctor Fiona Rodger highlights:

"We all learn in very different ways, because we are all unique as people. Therefore we're all going to learn very differently and
we find the way that suits us best."

I'm really excited to learning more about the future of education through this course.

To finish, i would like to share this relevant sentence by Paulo Freire about learning process.
